To prove that the defendant is guilty of this crime, the People
must prove that:
☐ The defendant (threatened to unlawfully injure/ [or] used
force against) (another person or a third person/ [or] the
property of another person or a third person);]
☐ The defendant threatened to accuse another person[, or
that person’s relative or family member,] of a crime;]
☐ The defendant threatened to expose a secret about another
person[, or that person’s relative or family member,] [or
to expose or connect (him/her/any of them) with a
(disgrace[,]/ [or] crime[,]/ [or] deformity)];]
☐ When (making the threat/ [or] using force), the defendant
intended to use that (fear/ [or] force) to obtain the other
person’s consent (to give the defendant money [or
property]/ [or] to do an official act);
☐ As a result of the (threat/ [or] use of force), the other
person consented (to give the defendant money [or
property]/ [or] to do an official act);
☐ As a result of the (threat/ [or] use of force), the other
person then (gave the defendant money [or property]/ [or]
did an official act).
The term consent has a special meaning here. Consent for
extortion can be coerced or unwilling, as long as it is given as a
result of the wrongful use of force or fear.